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DrLibSc- Desk of Research in Library Science
=======Sharing Information is our Profession=======

Library and Information Science Desk- Sharing information, knowledge among LIS Professionals, Scholars and Researchers.

About the Blog/Site DrLibSc:

Dear Sir/Madam,
This website has been created for sharing information, knowledge among LIS Professionals, Scholars & Researchers. Hope, this will be useful for LIS professionals. If you are interested to share your knowledge, ideas and wisdom through this website, please let me know. Be a voluntary for this website and share your knowledge among LIS professionals and Friends.

Hope you will follow this site and share with your professional friends. Your valuable Suggestion and feedback are always welcome for developing this website. For any quarry you may contact with the Administrator under signed.

thanks & regards,

Mr. Niranjan Mohapatra
(Blogs/Site Founder, Designer, Administrator)

About DrLibSc:

This Blog is an online Platform for LIS Professionals and Scholars to support their Professional Life. This Blog is based on LIS news, LIS job, LIS events, LIS knowledge Sharing, LIS discussions, Study materials for LIS Courses and LIS Research Articles.

Email- drlibsc@gmail.com
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About the Founder, Designer, Administrator:


Volunteer, Library Movement Odisha 
Librarian & Young LIS Professional
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

LRC Manager, Academy
Learning Resource Centre
World Skill Center, Bhubaneswar

Academic Counselor
IGNOU Regional Centre, Bhubaneswar
IGNOU Regional Centre, Angul

Research Scholar
Department of Library and Information Science, 
Utkal University,Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Email- (Personal) nmohapatralis@gmail.com, nmlis@outlook.com ; 
Phone- (Personal) +919015812344, +918882312344; 
website: (Personal) www.nmlis.blogspot.in
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  3. Dear Sir/Madam
    It is one of my initiate to share information among LIS Professionals & students. I have started it on January 2016. Currently I have been managing this blog myself only. Your cooperation will help to go ahead and towards improvement. So be connecting with this blog and Share your knowledge & information among LIS professionals through this blog. Share more...

    Add a Post using email
    send email (text and images size up to 10 MB) to "drlibsc.addpost@blogger.com"
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    Study-Material (Download Zone)

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